Friday, February 1, 2008

Things That Make Me Happy!

- Hugging my wonderful hubby and our boys
- Long, hot bubble baths
- Chocolate
- Getting seats on the 2nd-3rd row @10:00 service on Sunday
- Hearing my boys sing
- Finding stuff we need on sale, especially on CLEARANCE
- "Good" hair days
- Sleeping late on Saturday (late for me is 8:30!)
- Cooking a meal that everyone raves about
- Watching our boys sleep
- Hot and cold caffiene (coffee & diet coke!)
- Worship time at church
- Clothes that make me look "not chubby"
- Naptime for the kids I babysit(2 four yr olds&my 3 yr old
- Reading a good book in my "spare time"
- My kids picking flowers outside for me
- Listening to Pastor Dino get his "preach on!!"
- Phone calls from my hubby just to say he loves me
- Knowing God loves me,my family and the world
- Blogging!!

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