Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Call Me Crazy

Within in the past week, Mike and I had to make a decision on whether or not for me to babysit kids in our home over the summer. Of course, I would have my own two boys... plus, 4 others. Yep, that's right ... 6 kids (ages: one 3 yr old, two 4 yr olds, one 7 yr old, and two 9 year olds), 5 days a week, for about 9-10 hours each day.

Mike is supposed to be getting a raise at work, Thank God! We've been knowing about it for a couple of months, but it hasn't happened yet. The original plan was once he got the raise, I would be able to stop babysitting at the end of the school year. BUT ... you know how corporate America is ...the raise still hasn't shown up. So, the raise is coming ... we just don't know when.

Back in June of 2007 when I quit my job outside of the home, I prayed and prayed for God to provide a way for me to make money while staying home with my children. And, HE PROVIDED A WAY!! My neighbor and a friend of hers asked me to babysit their kids. Granted I'm not making A LOT of money, but it's enough to make ends meet each month.

YES ... it is an extremely stressful "job" since... well, their kids are a bit of a handful ... to put it mildly. Don't get me wrong, they are sweet, sweet, adorable kids and I love them ... they are just a little on the rambunctous side.

We are in a pretty difficult time financially speaking. So, to stop the extra money coming in would be plain ole' stupid and in all honesty, me not babysitting right now really isn't even an option.

More importantly, when God answers a prayer ... we should never, ever be picky or try to put strings on it. We should just be thankful. He knows what he is doing. I asked for a way to make extra money. Did I really think I would find an envelope in the mail each month containing a check straight from heaven?? Not at all. He provided the way ... I just have to step up to the plate and do it. My hubby and other family members say ..."how do you do it?" I say ... "how could I not? This is what I prayed for."

AND ... the kids I babysit are kids I truly love, and I really do not want to see them go to a "daycare." So, though I don't have a huge amount of patience (and that is an understatement) this is what I am doing. It pretty ends up being a win/win situation for everyone involved. YES, I will be stressed out ... but who isn't stressed at work? That's why a job is called "work," LOL!!

So, I thank God for providing a way for us. I've said it before, and I will continue to say it ... our God is so incredibly faithful. I pray that I will find a way to learn patience. God does have a sense of humor so maybe this is His way of making me learn patience. Life is good!


Anonymous said...

OK.....you're crazy. Well, you said to call you crazy:)
I think you may be on to something when you said God may be trying to teach you patience. You know that I believe God will keep putting things in our path until we learn the lesson that He has for us. So look at it this way.....the sooner you can learn the lesson, the less stressful the job will be. :)
Love from Mom aka Mimi

Lauren said...

I am sending prayers up in your direction! You had a good point about not being able to be picky as to how God answers prayers...And like Mom always taught us, the easiest, less stressful way isn't always the RIGHT way!
Love ya,