Ok, first of all, I'll say that my opinion on this issue is really irrellevant... I don't live in East Baton Rouge Parish, therefore, I don't get to actually vote on the new casino proposal. HOWEVER, I do have an opinion about it and since this is MY blog, I get to write about my opinions!
I've not done a lot of reading or research on this one. Simply because, to me, its a no-brainer... its something I feel in my heart and my "gut"so to speak. I am strongly AGAINST another casino coming into town.
Like so many things in this world, they try to dress it up in a pretty package and make empty promises to people that so desperately need a promise to hold on to...some promise - ANY promise. And as it goes with so many promises made during an election season, these promises probably won't be delivered. Or if they are, it's possible that there will be so many strings attached that it's still not worth it. Kind of like selling your soul to the devil.
I see it as yet another place that promotes corruption and addictions of countless kinds... gambling addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, drug use, violence... the list goes on and on. To me another casino would be a place that brings into town (and surrounding areas) people with a different set of values than I believe in. Not that my values are perfect at all, or that I am in any way better than anyone else... trust me, I know for sure that I am not.
Yes, Louisiana does need for more businesses to come here! We need the jobs that would be created and obviously the economy could surely use a boost. I just don't think that another casino is in any way what this part of Louisiana needs at all. There are so many negative things around here and what we need here is more positive things. More programs and businesses that acually HELP people leave behind the kinds of lives that addiction leads to, more kinds of programs that actually care more about the people of Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas than they do the almighty dollar.
The people of this state matter. Our children matter. Our future and our children's futures matter. The only promise we need is the promise of our Father... the promise of His love for us. His promise of eternal life for those who follow Him. That's it ... that's all we need, plain and simple.
Ok ok ok, I'm sorry! LOL I'll quit preaching now! Have a great day!
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