Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Answered Prayer!!!

The beautiful young lady in this picture is our daughter, Jennifer!! Oh, and the handsome young man is her boyfriend, Ryan. Or as we call him around here, "Big Ryan." We have to call him that because our youngest son's name is Ryan too... so we have a "BigRyan" and a "Little Ryan."

Anyway, I digress....

About two months ago, Jennifer decided to take a huge chance and go on an "adventure"... which meant, on a whim, she moved to South Florida. Like most parents, we weren't at all happy with that choice, but we made sure that she knew that we loved her and that we would always ALWAYS be here if she changed her mind and wanted to come home. As a mom, I have a huge tendency to worry and this just about pushed me over the edge. I did all I knew to do...I prayed hard every day that first, God would keep her safe and secondly, that God would have her return home.

Well, at the end of last week... my prayers were answered!!! SHE CAME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We missed her more than words can say. She is such a beautiful, sweet, and kind girl. She adds her own special spark of life in our home, in our hearts and in our lives. We love her so much! Her little brothers adore her. She is so sweet, loving and patient with them. Little Ryan follows her around all over the place, and Lane is fiercely protective of her :-)

Now that she is home, it feels like a HUGE missing piece of our family is back, and our family is complete again!! She will turn 21 in August, but she is still my baby girl... and she always will be.

Thank You God for keeping our baby girl safe and for continuing to work in her life, even if she didn't realize You were doing it. Thank You for hearing our prayers, and for bringing her home to us. I realize that things were done according to YOUR time schedule and not ours. You had her come home when YOU knew she was ready, not when WE were ready. Thank You Father for Your never ending love, Your peace and for Your grace. We give all of the glory to You.

Yep, you know I am going to say it ... God is faithful!!!!


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am soooooooooooo glad Blondie is back home safe and sound!! I was so worried about her...and said many, many prayers for her safe return! God is good...AMEN!!! =)

Love, Lauren
AKA "Nanny"

Dawn said...

That is great news!!! Are her & Ryan back together? I can only imagine how relieved you & Mike are to have her back!

Michelle said...

I had forgotten Mike had a daughter her age. I'm glad she returned home safely when it was time. As we know, young people make decisions that either are the right decisions for them at the time or not. Sounds like she needed that time in Florida to realize how much she is loved at home. These kids are so lucky to have you as their mom Lesley. You have always had that nurturing instinct about you and that's what I love about you the most. You're such a caring person. Jennifer is very lucky to have you for her step mother. The boys are so lucky too to have a sister that loves them that much. God hears our prayers and takes care of our needs by all means.