Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My FIRST Blogging Award!!!

Yes, you read that right... I have been awarded the "Brillante Weblog Award" by my friend Dawn!! This is the first award I have received since I started blogging so I am really excited!! Blogging is an awesome way for me to share my life with everyone and at the same time, it serves as a journal/scrapbook of my family's lives for me to have forever. Thank you Dawn for giving me this award!!

So here are the rules...
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to these blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
The 7 blogs that I am going to recognize are:

1. Carole over at The Wardrobe and The White Tree. Her blog is awesome and she is actually the one who inspired me to start a blog of my own! She has an amazing heart and I really admire her.

2. Summer over at HerstoryGirl. She is a really kind person with a huge heart! She is a wonderful mom, wife and online friend! One day we will actually meet in person, LOL!!

3. Aimee' at Adopted As His Own. I actually went to high school with Aimee' and her brother. We ran into each other at church a couple of years ago. She is an amazing woman... she and her husband have EIGHT (yes, you heard me right EIGHT) beautiful children! Check out her blog for their story!!

4. Nate at Confessions of a CF Husband. You really need to check out his blog. It is just amazing. It's a story of TRUE love, family and faith!

5. Jennifer at The Maggio Family. A f un blog about the in's and out's of day to day family life. Like me, she is a bargain shopper!

6. Oceans5 at {Crazy Life of Mine}. I love this blog! How she manages to be so organized and neat with 3 small kids is amazing to me! Lots of fun and real life!

7. Cindy R. at Me, Myself and MaryKay. Her blog is so friendly and so is she! A great example of how to juggle, and juggle WELL, family life and volunteer work!!

LOL!! You would not believe how long it took me to get this post completed!! I squeezed it in while also babysitting mucho kiddos!! No need to worry, they are all happy, safe and fed!

Thanks again to my friend and "sista," Dawn!! I wanted to put you on my list of winners, but then I didn't think you would want to do the whole thing again on the same day! :-)


April said...

Oh my gosh THANK YOU!! I have never been awarded anything for my blog. You are so sweet. I can't wait to get my post going. You have made my day!!

The Maggio Family said...

How sweet to recognize me! You are an angel. Thanks and I know most of the blogs you nominated that are also great~

Dawn said...

Yay for your award! You deserve it!

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your award too Sista! I love reading yours as well. You and Dawn are both very deserving of them. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Sweetie. You deserve it, as I find your blog to be such an accurate portrayal of you and your life.
I love you, Mom

Lauren said...

Hugs to you Les!! (Thanks Dawn for giving her an award!) I LOVE reading your blog even tho I usually know or have seen the stuff have an awesome way of describing it!! Keep up the great posts! I love you!!!
Lauren =)