Friday, July 11, 2008


According to my blog, the last time I posted was July 2nd!!!

I'll remedy that little problem today :-)

Summer at our house is a bit out-of-control this year with me babysitting my friends' kids. These days, finding the time to sit, collect my thoughts, and type them out seems to be as hard for me as climbing Mt. Everest would be!! There has been so much going on around here lately... it will take me a couple of posts to catch my couple of readers up to date, LOL!

We had a fun 4th of July (pictures to come soon!) and Lane is going to Vacation Bible School this week at Healing Place. He gets so excited about VBS every year. It is something that he really looks forward to every summer. Our church really pours a lot of time, effort and energy into our youth. They are truly our future.

Ok, time to get ready to pick the kids up from VBS. I'll post more later and will include some recents pics too!!

1 comment:

The Maggio Family said...

thank you lesley for such sweet, kind words on my blog. it is so true. i thought i couldnt make it another day, yesterday; yet today, God brought me two new single moms for my life group. imagine if i would've given up yesterday! its the attack; its also a test and we all have to just keep doing our thing. thanks again for reading my blog, too. i LOVE getting comments.