Friday, July 18, 2008

Quick Diet Update ...

I have now been on the Atkins Diet for 4 days. So far, I have lost 4 pounds. Since I lost 2 1/2 pounds after the first day, I'm a bit disappointed that I've only lost 1/2 a day since then.

Oh well, there is 4 pounds less of me today than there was Sunday!! Mike is still doing the diet as well. Since I lost so much weight on this diet a few years ago... we are gonna stick with it. Maybe I'm just expecting too much, too soon.

For lunch, chicken salad. For supper, Atkins-friendly meatloaf. Thanks Dawn for the recipe!!

P.S. Of course that is ME in the picture!! LOL!!! (I wish!)


Dawn said...

Keep up the good work and get Mike & the boys out walking! I think that really helps speed things up. Too bad i'm not doing it!! LOL

Michelle said...

Keep up the good work on the diet. You'll get there. Y'all will have to share that meat loaf recipe. I love meat loaf and if it's healthier I'll try it. I am on a big time veggie and fruit kick right now. I have had fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, cantaloupe and watermelon for weeks now. My friend's father in law gave her a bunch of stuff this week and she shared alot of it with me. Yum!

I can always loan you my sister's two little ones. They alone will keep you hopping for days. They are nonstop LOL

Tam said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!