WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! It worked!!! I can post pictures!!
My friend, Dawn, came over today to see what was going on with me not being able to post pictures on my blog. Unlike me, she is really good at computer stuff! Apparently, the problem seems to be simple. For some reason, the pictures are just taking wayyyyyy longer than they used to to upload. We think... ok, Dawn thinks, that it would help to resize my pictures before I try to upload them... so I'll try to try that (LOL!) and see if it helps!!
So, for today... the lesson that Dawn taught me was to be patient!! We have been friends for around 12 years or so... I wish she would have taught me patience sooner... LOL!!! Thank you Sista Dawn for your help!! As always, you were a HUGE help!!!!!!!!!
That's what I'm here for!! I was glad to see y'all and to be able to help!
Glad to see you were able to finally put a picture up with Dawn's help. I know y'all enjoyed your visit. Looking forward to seeing more pics and how the boys and y'all are doing!!! Have a good weekend!
OOOO congrats on getting it working!!!!
Lane looks so handsome!! I can't believe he let you comb his hair to the side for school!!! Glad you can now post your pics...I was afraid you were going to spontaneously combust!!
So glad you got it to work again! You always have such great pictures.
And don't feel bad; I've had that EXACT same problem before and it can drive you crazy!
Sometimes I think Blogger is just performing one giant "social experiment" on us bloggers to see how much we can take.
patience------good ol' patience.
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