Is this a little odd??
Our across the street neighbor seems a bit anal about his grass. He pays someone to come out weekly and cut their yard... and the people who cut it do a great job!
So, I noticed yesterday that the grass cutting people were out there cutting our neighbors yard. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Today, as I am sitting here typing, I look out of the window and there is our neighbor...cutting his grass... AGAIN!!!
Now. I know with all the rain we have been having lately the grass is growing pretty fast... but not literally overnight!!!!!!
For some reason that is just cracking me up!! Why pay someone to cut the grass, if you are just going to go outside, sweat like a pig and cut it again the very next day?!?!?!?!? LOL!!!!
LOL that is crazy! If our grass isn't cut perfectly, my NEIGHBOR will come cut it the next day sometimes. To me, it's just grass. Walter is a little anal about keeping the grass cut too.
How funny. I think that is pretty odd too.
He sounds like my neighbor. He has a lawn service come twice a week to cut his. I was out last Saturday cutting my glass. I took a break and was admiring my neighbors yard.(What guys do) Since the guys had been there 2 days before. With that up drives the trailer and they start cutting again. So in the words of Curtis Payne, from House of Payne, I was kie, "WTH?". their lawn is beautiful as are the rest of my neighbors which puts unfair pressure on me to maintain mine. I Love yard work but that's insane.
I'm guessing that who ever he's hired doesn't do it like HE would so he has to go back and "fix" it
I have a neighbor that Is a GRASS ADICT! HE worships his yard. LOL LOL It is all just crazy!
I know which house you are talking about and we always knew they were,ummmm...marching to a different beat. I used to have an across the street neighbor who would pick leaves in her yard by hand several times a day and mow her grass probably 3 times a week...even in the winter...ugh
I have an award for you on my blog!
I would say he's a little on the OCD side? That's very odd. Sounds sort of like my best friend Kim's husband, only his "addiction" is housework.
I left you an award on my site. I hope I did it right. This is the fist time I have gone through this process of blogging. Be patient with me!! LOL
just stalked over to say HI
thats funny. really funny. we have a guy down the street that is very similar, but his extends to his bushes, sidewalks, etc. oh & dont feel bad about the paci thing, my son let kids at daycare put rocks in his ears 3 times in a row and i had to make an emergency room trip 3 times when he was 4!
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