Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Political Confusion ...

Ok, I admit it. I'm totally confused and undecided on who in the world to vote for for President. This is an election that we (as Christians) should NOT take lightly and I want to make sure to vote for the person who most closely represents my position on so many issues.

I try my best to keep up with who is winning which primarys, debates, etc ... but it is so hard to get straight answers out of most any of them. I was leaning strongly towards Huckabee, but now it's looking like he won't be around much longer because he hasn't won any more primarys or caucauses. (I have no idea if I spelled that right!) It's looking like it could end up coming down to McCain or Romney running neck and neck for the Republican nomination...uggghhhhhh. I guess I'll have to do much more research before deciding who to vote for. One thing is for sure though... in the acutal presidental election ... I will not vote for Hilary Clinton.

I'm open to hearing anyone's opinions ... just leave a comment!

1 comment:

HerstoryGirl said...

Hi Lesley!
Love your blog, too, and I swear you look SO FAMILIAR to me! I'm sure I have met you before...
If you don't mind, I will add you to my blogroll as well.
Thanks for the great comments!
Summer =)