Monday, January 21, 2008

Another Reason to Blog

This is easier than I thought! Yeaaaaah!

Another reason I decided to blog is to take a few minutes each day to get to know myself again. It seems to me that most people tend to get caught up in the daily "rat race" and before you know it, we've lost track of who we are. I know that is true with me, although I hate to admit it. Anyway, hopefully this will help with that :-) Here are just some the things I know about me for sure:

1. Without God, I don't know where I would be... but it would NOT be good!
2. I love my husband and children like crazy!
3. I vow to get more involved at church.
4. I enjoy cooking!
5. Other than my hubby, my twin sister is my best friend.
6. I would love to be on the Worshop Team at church!
7. I am growing as a Christian more each day.

More later!

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