Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No Turn On Red

There is a "no turn on red" sign at the light to get onto the highway from the WalMart parking lot. It seems like I am always first one in line when the light is RED. And, it never fails that while I am sitting there waiting for the light to turn green, someone waiting behind me just HAS to impatiently blow their horn. Or, if I'm not first in line, I end up becoming first in line quickly because the person in front of me ignores the sign and "turns on red." And there I sit ... not turning until it does turn green.

The other day while I was waiting patiently (ok, somewhat patiently) for the light to turn green, I starting to think about how in life some people choose to always "turn on red," always in a hurry to get to the next appointment, the next store, the next meeting, the next game... and the list goes on. I think how easy it is for some people to do what THEY want to do, not what they are supposed to do. Maybe they think if the policeman on duty doesn't see them, they won't get caught, won't get a ticket and their lapse of judgement won't matter. Maybe they are just in a hurry. Maybe they didn't see the sign. Maybe they just don't care. Who knows?

Lord, I pray that I never turn into one of those people. Let me hear all of Your words and see all of Your signs. I always want to do what YOU call me too. I always want to follow Your word and live the way You intend. It may not always be the easiest way, the fastest way, or the most comfortable way. But, it is the right way ... the ONLY way. Thank You for your sacrifice You made for us on the cross. I pray that I can live the way you want me to. Thank you for making me aware that what I do DOES matter. It matters to YOU. There is so much comfort in knowing that You know what I do in every minute of every day, even though I can't "see you" ... You are here with me.

More later... Be Blessed.

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