Friday, January 25, 2008

My Mom!

Meet my mom!
Her name is Jeanine, but most people call her "MiMi" these days. MiMi is what all of her grandkids, and all of the extended family's kids call her. We have always been VERY close and now she lives right behind us! That setup might not work for every family, but it works for us! Both of my boys think she hung the moon! She has a huge heart and has always been there for me and my little family ... no matter what. I love her so much!


Lauren said...

Hey...that lady looks familiar!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the sweet words, Lesley. You know how much I love you and your little family.
This arrangement DOES work for us, doesn't it? I love that you and the kids can just run over whenever you want to....and that Ryan wants to 4 or 5 times a day! And that Lane thinks this is home away from home.
Love, Mom