Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Up until recently, Christmas was always my favorite holiday. But, in the last couple of years ... Easter has replaced every other holiday for me. Don't get me wrong, I still love Christmas and all it represents... but Easter just has a special place in my heart and in my life.

Where would we be without the cross?? I can't imagine a life without the promise of God's love, without the sacrafice of Jesus on the cross to save US from our own sins, and without the promise of spending eternity with Him. How unimaginable is that? Jesus - the King of Kings, the only son of God, died for us. You and me. Sinners full of imperfections.

From the time I was a kid up until I was in my early 20's, I went to the Catholic church. I was christened, made my first communion, went to confession, made my confirmation, and was married the first time in the Catholic church. That's a lot of years to go to church and not really get anything out of it. I mean, the tradition and the "ceremony" is beautiful. But, I would go to church and leaving feeling the same as I did the morning before. I was pretty much just going through the motions and not learning and growing in my faith. Lots and lots of Christmas' and Easters came and went without me really FEELING them.

Then I found HPC. I sincerely thank God for bringing me to Healing Place Church, for showing me another way to worship Him, to learn about Him and to love him. And, I thank Him for blessing me, my family, and all of the people of HPC with Pastor Dino. He is amazing and has such a way of really showing us the love of God.

Anyway, after going to HPC for about a year... one day I found myself thinking about the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. And out of nowhere this thought popped in my head: "If I... ME, Lesley... had been the ONLY other person on this earth, would God still have commanded Him to and would Jesus have given his life for me?" He said YES just as clearly as I would talk to you. The peace and overwhelming joy I felt was instantaneous. He said yes. Wow. He loves ME that much. He paid for my sins with His sacred blood. That in itself is pretty amazing since He made me and knows ALL of my sins and imperfections. He loves you that much too.

All you and I have to do is ask Him into our hearts and live for Him. That's it. It's THAT simple. He paid for my sins with His blood. After everything He did for us and all He sacraficed for us ... in the end, it is our turn to say yes.

I say yes, today and every day. Do you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was reading some blogs online and came across a face I recognized! I hope you are doing great! I have looked through your pictures and the boys are all grown up (well, they are WAY bigger than when I saw them before.) I would love to hear from you if you feel like emailing me sometime. Dawn (