Ok, I am now officially
"worried." As the results of yesterdays primaries and caucuses started trickling in last night, I couldn't even watch and turned the TV to off. So, this morning, I am horrified and sickened to find out that Hillary somehow managed, with her trash talking ads, to actually win Texas and Ohio.
Is there nothing that "woman" won't say or do??? You never know what is going to come out of her mouth, and she wouldn't know the TRUTH if it slapped her in the face. She reminds me of a chameleon... you know, that lizard that changes his colors depending on his environment?? Instead of sticking to her position on the issues all of the time, she changes her position depending on who she happens to be speaking to at that moment. I can't stand the hate tactics and/or the scare tactics that she is using. People who will stoop to whatever means necessary to get their way is horrifying. Is this the person we want to lead the free world?????? To me, that is a terrifying thought.
What in the world is going on?? Haven't people had enough of politics as usual??? I know that I for one certainly have. Let's do a quick recap of the past 20 years:
George Bush --- 1989 - 1993 (4 years)
Bill Clinton --- 1993 - 2001 (8 years)
George W.Bush --- 2001 - 2009 (8 years)
20 years later where are we? Look at where our country is today. Are we better off then we were before 1989?? Absolutely not.
Now, I'm not a college graduate with a bunch of fancy letters or titles behind my name. But I am a fairly intelligent, God fearing woman who takes care of our household daily. My dear sweet hubby pretty much makes the money...I balance the checkbook, pay the bills and do the shopping for groceries, clothes and other necessities.
Having said that, here is how I see it. We went to war with a bunch of misinformation and no exit strategy. We are still at war that I don't think we can "win" because there are no clear cut lines that define a "win." The rest of the world pretty much hates us now, and sees us as an International Bully. Our economy is basically in a recession. I'm no expert in math or whatever it takes to determine an official recession. However, I do know that my grocery money each month goes about half as far as it used to... and our bills for electricity, gas, water etc. continue to get higher and higher and, of course, there isn't any more money coming in to pay them. And, don't even get me started on how the price of gas effects my family's budget. You can only stretch a dollar so far.
Between the Bush and Clinton families, this country of ours has been torn apart in countless ways. Come on people...isn't it time for this insanity to stop???? I will admit that I did vote for Daddy Bush and Bush Jr in the previous elections. But, hindsight is 20/20. I seriously don't think I would do it again. McCain is just another Bush puppet. He is cut from the same cloth as the Bushes. He doesn't seem to care about us "middle class" people, he doesn't seem to have a way to help the less privledged and he seems to be a war monger.
God help us, if it comes down to voting in the general election for McCain or Clinton ... I won't be at all happy about it, but I will vote for McCain. I'd rather vote for a snake, knowing he is a snake... than vote for a snake in disguise.
On the other hand, if it ends up being Obama or McCain this fall, I will happily vote for Obama. At least this man truly believes in what he says and has the courage of his convictions. We need someone in the White House with morals and someone who will TRULY work hard to unite this country and who will try to heal the wounds of the past 20 years.
God help us. And I don't mean that lightly. I truly mean it as a sincere prayer. God help us and help this country.