Friday, April 11, 2008

Kuddos to American Idol !!!

OK...I admit it ... we love watching American Idol!

Last night, we turned the TV to Fox Channel 6 at 7:00pm to watch the results show. Ryan Seacrest comes on and shows a recap of "Idol Gives Back," then announces that the remaining 8 singers on the show will now sing "SHOUT TO THE LORD" to open the show!!!!!!!!!!!! Given the state of television these days, I said outloud to my husband, "They can't be getting ready to sing THAT 'Shout To The Lord'!" And to my utter amazement and shock, the American Idol contestants provided their viewers and fans with an incredible version of the Christian Worship song "Shout To The Lord!!!"

I was over the moon with excitement!! In a world where it seems that our God is slowing being "phased out" of anything our children will come into contact with, Fox hit it out of the ballpark by airing this on it's most popular show!!

How many people who may never have had the opportunity to be exposed to Christian music were actually given that chance last night?? How many people now know that there is something else out there to listen to besides some of the garbage that is now called music? I don't have a problem with ALL or even most secular music, but there is just some music out there that I refuse to listen to, or to allow my children to listen to.

So, last week we had the awesome opportunity to hear Dolly Parton sing about "JESUS" and this week we were given the chance to hear an awesome worship song on one of the biggest programs on primetime TV!!!!

These days most television shows just don't mention God... it's a "taboo" subject, or they may risk losing a viewer if they offend them by mentioning God and/or Jesus. Thank you FOX for having the courage to stand up and do the right thing!!! I was already a fan of the show, but now I have brand new respect for the show and the network.



Anonymous said...

It seems that American Idol has taken some flak in the media for this decision, as I'm sure they knew they would! Good for them for going ahead and doing it anyway. It's time the networks realized that even though we are a diverse nation religiously, Christians are in the majority. And that most Christians are not the extremists that get the negative press.
Hopefully the courage of American Idol will help to open the eyes of the media, and allow our beliefs to have equal exposure in daily programming. It's a shame when Paris and Britney can fill the airwaves with no negative fall out, but a Christian themed song on a music show can. It's time we changed this way of looking at the world.
Love from Mom aka Mimi

HerstoryGirl said...

Hey Girl!
Where are you???
Miss reading your posts... Come by & read my latest "rant."

Lesley said...

Thank you Summer for the wake-up call!! Life has been beating me up lately, but I'm back now! Thanks again friend! :-)


HerstoryGirl said...

I'm sorry to hear that!
I'm glad you're back; I missed your positive outlook.