Thursday, December 18, 2008

Is It Just Me???

Or, is anyone else having a panic attack over the fact that there is only one week left until Christmas. Yep, that's right... ONE WEEK!!!

It's crazy. It seriously seems like Thanksgiving was just last week. I mean, I knew Christmas was coming - just like it does every year. But somehow, it is HERE all of a sudden!! How does that happen??

I still have a good bit of stuff to get done before the big day. I spent the better part of yesterday and today shopping, and I'm just about finished. Just 3 people left, I think. God help me to not forget anyone!! Mike's work Christmas party is tomorrow night. And we still have to go see Santa, finish shopping, make goodies, wrap presents, clean the house, go grocery shopping, etc. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

Plus, Lane is in the Christmas program this weekend at church! They will be performing at all 4 services. And guess what?! Lane was given a small speaking part in the program!! I am SO excited and so very, very proud of him!! He is very excited about it too, and he just loves being part of the Kids Worship Team.

Ok, so I'm going to go try to calm myself down so I don't end up in a total and complete panic. I'm taking a deep breath and counting to about a billion. I'll also be chanting the title of Pastor Dino's current series at church: Simple Christmas. Simple Christmas. Simple Christmas...


April said...

This morning I was panicking but now I am calmer. I am finishing up my shopping tonight and tomorrow. We are going to get Happy Meals and look at Christmas lights tonight with a friend so hopefully it will be a fun relaxing time. Good luck getting everything done. Just breathe.LOL.

Dawn said...

Yes, Walter is panicking like you! LOL...he was supposed to be off this week, but instead worked all week AND all last weekend!! It will get done! Don't worry! And what isn't done, your friends and family will be fine with it! Yay for Lane and the program!

Michelle said...

It's so easy to panic this time of year. Sometimes we just need to sit back like you said and breathe and remember the true meaning of what Christmas is about. Things always manage to fall into place.

That's awesome that Lane has a part in the church program. I know you're so excited about that. Can't wait to hear how it goes.